本文主要包含2个部分,前半部分主要分析RACSignal的subscription过程,后半部分是对前半部分的深入,在subscription过程的基础上分析ReactiveCocoa中比较难理解的两个操作:multicast && replay。
PS:为了解释清楚,我们下面只讨论next,不讨论error以及completed,这二者与next类似。本文基于ReactiveCocoa 2.x版本。
-(RACSignal *)signInSignal { // part 1:[RACSignal createSignal]来获得signal return [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable *(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) { [self.signInService signInWithUsername:self.usernameTextField.text password:self.passwordTextField.text complete:^(BOOL success) { // part 3: 进入didSubscribe,通过[subscriber sendNext:]来执行next block [subscriber sendNext:@(success)]; [subscriber sendCompleted]; }]; return nil; }]; } // part 2 : [signal subscribeNext:]来获得subscriber,然后进行subscription [[self signInSignal] subscribeNext:^(id x) { NSLog(@"Sign in result: %@", x); }];
RACSignal.m中: + ( RACSignal *)createSignal:( RACDisposable * (^)( id < RACSubscriber > subscriber))didSubscribe { return [ RACDynamicSignal createSignal :didSubscribe]; } RACDynamicSignal.m中 + ( RACSignal *)createSignal:( RACDisposable * (^)( id < RACSubscriber > subscriber))didSubscribe { RACDynamicSignal *signal = [[ self alloc ] init ]; signal-> _didSubscribe = [didSubscribe copy ]; return [signal setNameWithFormat : @"+createSignal:" ]; }
[RACSignal createSignal]会调用子类RACDynamicSignal的createSignal来返回一个signal,并在signal中保存后面的 didSubscribe这个block
RACSignal.m中: - ( RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:( void (^)( id x))nextBlock { RACSubscriber *o = [ RACSubscriber subscriberWithNext :nextBlock error : NULL completed : NULL ]; return [ self subscribe :o]; } RACSubscriber.m中: + ( instancetype )subscriberWithNext:( void (^)( id x))next error:( void (^)( NSError *error))error completed:( void (^)( void ))completed { RACSubscriber *subscriber = [[ self alloc ] init ]; subscriber-> _next = [next copy ]; subscriber-> _error = [error copy ]; subscriber-> _completed = [completed copy ]; return subscriber; } RACDynamicSignal.m中: - (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber { RACCompoundDisposable *disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable]; subscriber = [[RACPassthroughSubscriber alloc] initWithSubscriber:subscriber signal:self disposable:disposable]; if (self.didSubscribe != NULL) { RACDisposable *schedulingDisposable = [RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler schedule:^{ RACDisposable *innerDisposable = self.didSubscribe(subscriber); [disposable addDisposable:innerDisposable]; }]; [disposable addDisposable:schedulingDisposable]; } return disposable; }
RACSubscriber.m中: - (void)sendNext:(id)value { @synchronized (self) { void (^nextBlock)(id) = [ copy]; if (nextBlock == nil) return; nextBlock(value); } }
任何时候这个[subscriber sendNext:],就直接调用nextBlock
RACSignal+Operation.h中 - (RACMulticastConnection *)publish; - (RACMulticastConnection *)multicast:(RACSubject *)subject; - (RACSignal *)replay; - (RACSignal *)replayLast; - (RACSignal *)replayLazily;
#multicast && replay的应用场景
"Side effects occur for each subscription by default, but there are certain situations where side effects should only occur once – for example, a network request typically should not be repeated when a new subscriber is added."
// 引用ReactiveCocoa源码的Documentation目录下的一个例子 // This signal starts a new request on each subscription. RACSignal *networkRequest = [RACSignal createSignal:^(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) { AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation = [client HTTPRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id response) { [subscriber sendNext:response]; [subscriber sendCompleted]; } failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) { [subscriber sendError:error]; }]; [client enqueueHTTPRequestOperation:operation]; return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{ [operation cancel]; }]; }]; // Starts a single request, no matter how many subscriptions `connection.signal` // gets. This is equivalent to the -replay operator, or similar to // +startEagerlyWithScheduler:block:. RACMulticastConnection *connection = [networkRequest multicast:[RACReplaySubject subject]]; [connection connect]; [connection.signal subscribeNext:^(id response) { NSLog(@"subscriber one: %@", response); }]; [connection.signal subscribeNext:^(id response) { NSLog(@"subscriber two: %@", response); }];
RACMulticastConnection.m中: - (id)initWithSourceSignal:(RACSignal *)source subject:(RACSubject *)subject { NSCParameterAssert(source != nil); NSCParameterAssert(subject != nil); self = [super init]; if (self == nil) return nil; _sourceSignal = source; _serialDisposable = [[RACSerialDisposable alloc] init]; _signal = subject; return self; }
RACMulticastConnection.m中: - (RACDisposable *)connect { BOOL shouldConnect = OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(0, 1, &_hasConnected); if (shouldConnect) { self.serialDisposable.disposable = [self.sourceSignal subscribe:_signal]; } return self.serialDisposable; }
---------------------恼人的分隔线 start------------------
"A subject can be thought of as a signal that you can manually control by sending next, completed, and error."
RACSubject *letters = [RACSubject subject]; // Outputs: A B [letters subscribeNext:^(id x) { NSLog(@"%@ ", x); }]; [letters sendNext:@"A"]; [letters sendNext:@"B"];
RACSubject.m中: - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self == nil) return nil; _disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable]; _subscribers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; return self; }
RACSubject.m中: - (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber { NSCParameterAssert(subscriber != nil); RACCompoundDisposable *disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable]; subscriber = [[RACPassthroughSubscriber alloc] initWithSubscriber:subscriber signal:self disposable:disposable]; NSMutableArray *subscribers = self.subscribers; @synchronized (subscribers) { [subscribers addObject:subscriber]; } return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{ @synchronized (subscribers) { // Since newer subscribers are generally shorter-lived, search // starting from the end of the list. NSUInteger index = [subscribers indexOfObjectWithOptions:NSEnumerationReverse passingTest:^ BOOL (id<RACSubscriber> obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) { return obj == subscriber; }]; if (index != NSNotFound) [subscribers removeObjectAtIndex:index]; } }]; }
RACSubject.m中: - (void)sendNext:(id)value { [self enumerateSubscribersUsingBlock:^(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) { [subscriber sendNext:value]; }]; }
"A replay subject saves the values it is sent (up to its defined capacity) and resends those to new subscribers.",可以看出,replaySubject是可以对它send next(error,completed)的东西进行buffer的。
RACReplaySubject.m中: - (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity { self = [super init]; if (self == nil) return nil; _capacity = capacity; _valuesReceived = (capacity == RACReplaySubjectUnlimitedCapacity ? [NSMutableArray array] : [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:capacity]); return self; }
RACReplaySubject.m中: - (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber { RACCompoundDisposable *compoundDisposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable]; RACDisposable *schedulingDisposable = [RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler schedule:^{ @synchronized (self) { for (id value in self.valuesReceived) { if (compoundDisposable.disposed) return; [subscriber sendNext:(value == RACTupleNil.tupleNil ? nil : value)]; } if (compoundDisposable.disposed) return; if (self.hasCompleted) { [subscriber sendCompleted]; } else if (self.hasError) { [subscriber sendError:self.error]; } else { RACDisposable *subscriptionDisposable = [super subscribe:subscriber]; [compoundDisposable addDisposable:subscriptionDisposable]; } } }]; [compoundDisposable addDisposable:schedulingDisposable]; return compoundDisposable; }
RACReplaySubject.m中: - (void)sendNext:(id)value { @synchronized (self) { [self.valuesReceived addObject:value ?: RACTupleNil.tupleNil]; [super sendNext:value]; if (self.capacity != RACReplaySubjectUnlimitedCapacity && self.valuesReceived.count > self.capacity) { [self.valuesReceived removeObjectsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, self.valuesReceived.count - self.capacity)]; } } }
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介绍完了RACReplaySubject之后,我们继续进行multicast的part 2部分。
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