A 123876549
B 321987654
C 321456798
D 789651234
题目3:3 3 8 8用四则运算符得出24
题目5:数a和b,如何空间消耗最小交换a b中的数
题目6:For the following description about OOP, which is right?
1 An object can inherit the feature of another object;
2 A sub class can contain dditional attribute or behaviors.
3 Encapsulation is used to hide as MUCH as possible about the inner working of the interface.
4 Encapsulation prevents the program from becoming independent
5 polymorphism allows the methods have different signature but with same name.
A 12
B 14
C 23
D 35
E 45
题目7:Function club is used to simulate guest in a club. With 0 guests initially
and 50 as max occupancy, when guests beyond limitation, they need to wait outside;
when some guests leave the waiting list will decrease. The function will print out
number of guests in the club and waiting outside. The function declaration as follows:
void club(int x);
positive x stands for guests arrived, nagative x stands for guests left from
within the club
For example, club (40) prints 40,0; and then club (20) prints 50,10; and then club (-5) prints 50,5; and then club (-30) prints 25,0; and then club (-30) prints N/A; since it is impossible input.
To make sure this function works as defined, we have following set of data to pass into
the function and check the result are correct.
a 60
b 20 50 -10
c 40 -30
d 60 -5 -10 -10 10
e 10 -20
f 30 10 10 10 -60
g 10 10 10
h 10 -10 10
A a d e g
B c d f g
C a c d h
D b d g h
E c d e f
题目8、职工ID 岗位ID 排序号
WorkerID JobID iSort
19 101 1
19 702 2
19 702 3
19 501 4
20 702 1
25 101 2
岗位ID 人数
JobID num
101 2 即职工ID为19和25的两人
702 1 即职工ID为20
501 0
sql 如何实现?
1. 目标
2. 设计要求
3. 代码设计要求
1) 可以先定义静态的一个用户ID用做测试,如 :
string sUserID = “User1”;
2) 要求用到的数据库操作类为 SQLServerUniversal 用法如下
SQLServerUniversal db = new SQLServerUniversal();
/// <summary>
/// 根据类型判断是否有版主信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name= "typeid "> </param>
/// <returns> </returns>
public bool IsShowTeamMaster(string p_sTypeID)
bool bResult = false;
DataSet ds;
if(p_sTypeID == " ")
p_sTypeID = "0 ";
strSQL = string.Format( "select typeid from t_newtypes where isteam=1 and typeid={0} ",p_sTypeID);
ds = db.ExecQuery(strSQL);
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
bResult = true;
return bResult;
3) ….
4. 数据库设计
表名: T_ExamName (试题名称)
字段名 类型 主键 描述
ID Int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL 是 试题名称ID
ExamName Nvarchar(256) 试题名称
ExamLimitTime int 考试限制时间
表名: T_ExamSubject (考试题目)
字段名 类型 主键 描述
ID Int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL 是 题目名称ID
FK_ExamNameID Int 试题名称ID
SubjectName Nvarchar(512) 题目名称
Point int 该题目的分数
表名: T_ExamSubjectAnswer (考试答案选项)
字段名 类型 主键 描述
FK_ExamSubjectID Int 题目名称ID
Answer Nvarchar(512) 答案
IsTrue int 是否是正解
表名: T_ExamUserInfo (用户考试情况)
字段名 类型 主键 描述
ID Int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL 是 考生考试答案ID
FK_ExamNameID Int 试题名称ID
FK_UserID int 用户ID
ExamTime int 参加考试时间
表名: T_ExamUserAnswer (用户考试答案)
字段名 类型 主键 描述
ID Int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL 是 考生考试答案ID
FK_ExamUserInfoID Int 用户考试ID
FK_ExamSubjectID int 题目名称ID
FK_ExamSubjectAnswerID int 答案ID
1 1 3 1
2 1 3 3
3 1 3 4
5. 新建内容要求